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Spring Tea Ceremony and Piano Recital at the historic elegant Evermay estate, Georgetown

Updated: Aug 3, 2019


The Spring Tea Ceremony and Piano Recital, which was held at the historic elegant Evermay estate in Georgetown, was the first fundraising event organized by the Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region Washington DC District. Blessed by beautiful weather, the event was filled to full capacity with as many as 100 people attending.


The evening began with three successive sessions of ryurei-style tea ceremony set up under the shade of large trees in the fully blooming garden of the estate, creating a friendly atmosphere for the guests, some of whom were experiencing the tea ceremony for the first time. Dr. Sachiko Kuno, a Director of the Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region USA, served as the teishu at the final session.


Popular pianist Dr. Ryo Yanagitani gave an inspirational and beautifully performed piano recital, which included well-known pieces by Beethoven, Debussy, and Rachmaninov as well as a piece by a contemporary Japanese composer.


The climax of the evening was when Dr. Ryuji Ueno, President of the Omotesenke Domonkai, Eastern Region, USA, joined in for a flute and piano duet, which ended in continuous rounds of applause from the completely filled auditorium.


Members of the Washington DC District together with other volunteers worked hard for several months carefully preparing a Silent Action, which included many attractive items kindly donated by the Board of Directors, Committee Members and other members of Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region USA as well as outside supporters. Thankfully, the items, which were exquisitely displayed in several rooms inside the mansion, proved quite popular and all were sold.


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