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Demonstration and Workshop of Omotesenke Style for the Chanoyu Club at Penn State

Event Date: 1/17/2023

Split into two groups, seventeen members of the Chanoyu Club learned the fundamental mannerisms of being a guest and how to practice warigeiko. While one group learned how and where to walk in a chashitsu and how to drink tea, the other group learned how to use fukusa, purify chashaku, and make tea. Everyone had a chance to have tea made by the president of the Chanoyu Club, Matthew Koch, and reflect on the difference between that and the tea they made themselves. Afterward, the attendees asked many interesting questions, and while the class ran slightly longer than expected, we all enjoyed and shared a memorable time.

2つのグループに分け、一つのグループが畳の歩き方、お茶の頂き方、お運びなどの基礎を学んでもらう時に、べつのグループは割り稽古のお稽古。会員メンバーそして茶の湯クラブのPresidentでもあるMatthew Kochのお点前、そして正しいお客様のお作法で頂く薄茶は格別、との評価。割り稽古ではお点前で頂く薄茶と自分で点ててみる薄茶の違いと難しさに気付いたとのコメント。質問もたくさん出て予定よりやや時間オーバーしてしまったが、参加者は全員お茶が好き、ということでとても楽しい一時であった。


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