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2022 Maple Festival Tea Gathering

Event Date:10/14-15/2022

The Seattle Japanese garden opened in 1960 as a symbol of friendship between the U.S. and Japan. This garden is well known in North America for its natural beauty, especially during autumn.

There are a lot of activities during the Maple Festival in October, and the Seattle Special district conducted autumn public tea gatherings for two days and six seatings in the tearoom. Participants watched the demonstration on the terrace and enjoyed sweets from Japan and a bowl of matcha in the tearoom.


1960年の開園から60年を過ぎたシアトル日本庭園。日本と米国両国民の平和と友好を願い、皇太子明仁親王殿下(現 上皇陛下)が白妙の桜を、美智子妃殿下(現 上皇后さま)がカバノキ(European White Birch)を植樹された歴史があり、州内外にもよく知られた代表的な庭園の一つです。この日本庭園では、秋には色とりどりの息を呑むような紅葉の景色となることから、紅葉フェスティバルが開催されます。



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