Workshop and Introduction to Tea Ceremony at the Japan Society
茶碗作りワークショップ by 陶芸家のムーア理津子氏(同門会員)
学校茶道 キッズ国際学園 茶の湯体験Chanoyu workshop at Kids International Weekend School in NJ
Let’s Learn How to Make a Tea Bowl!
Year End Mochi Pounding & Tea Gathering, 2019 in Seattle
「Sugar Plum Faire 」at Bright Water Waldorf School in Seattle
Fall Public tea ceremony at the Place 229 in NYC
A Fabric Tea Room
Chanoyu Club of Penn State University Memeber Joins Omotesenke Fushin-an
Public Tea Gathering at the Chanoyu Center
Shofuso Fall Shimin Chakai
Japanese Tea Ceremony Presentation at The Seattle Art Museum
Chabana and Tea Ceremony for Ikebana International Seattle Members
Tea at Yu-Yu-An, the Japanese Ambassador’s Residence Tea House
The Pennsylvania State University Chanoyu Club
Public Tea Gathering at the Newark Museum
Public Tea Gathering at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Tea Gathering Newark Museum's Ballentine House
The Seattle Japanese Garden Moon Viewing Event